How to review evidence - Part 1What do we need to keep in mind when evaluating research and scientific data?
Do I need a colon cleanse to be healthier?Keeping your gut healthy is a fantastic idea. Intuitively it makes sense to “cleanse it” from time to time. In the younger population...
Do I need supplements if I follow a plant-based diet?When people hear that it would be best to cut out ALL ANIMAL PRODUCTS from their diets they sometimes freak out! They get worried and...
What about protein? Will I be deficient in protein if I eat plant-based?A lot of people worry about their protein intake on a plant based diet. First off, I want to reassure you: there is plenty of protein in...
Isn't Alcohol Healthy For You?We know that Alcohol causes cancer, mostly breast cancer and gastro-esophageal cancers. Alcohol is also a toxin that the liver has to...